Home / US parallels to Nazi Germany
They say that history repeats itself. Maybe that's the reason I'm never able to watch Schindler's List without bawling my eyes out. You don't have to be prescient to see the similarities already and know what is coming. To paraphrase the words at the Holocaust Museum, we must stop being bystanders to the US violence against innocent victims both outside the US and within the US. The politicians change, but the atrocities remain the same.
FTA: "My father was a Nazi soldier and he realized during the war what he and most of his generation was led into. I have learned from him that a nation can be guilty and that we must stop the arrogance of the powers at the very beginning. To me, America is becoming truly scary and the parallels to the development in Germany of the thirties (although the reason behind it are totally different) are sickening..." Herr Moellers' e-mail is typical of a half dozen or so I've received over the past year from people with intimate knowledge of Nazi Germany... I respect experience, so I'm inclined to believe what these people are telling me... They've been there, they've done that. They know what a corrupt government smells like. But are they "over the top"? Are they overreacting to a normal swing of the pendulum in American politics? To make a comparison between Germany in the 1930s and America now, I relied on a Web site called "A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust." ...When one is comparing then and now, I think the most interesting factor is that most German Jews remained in Germany until it was too late. They just couldn't believe Hitler was as dangerous as some people said he was. The more prescient Jews (most often those who could afford to do so) got out, however. ...My conclusion is that some comparisons between modern times and Nazi Germany are valid, and some are not. Enough are valid, in my opinion, however, for us to be wary, and as vigilant as humanly possible... Our current president has the power to turn the world into turmoil with a mere stroke of the pen. No man should have that much power, no matter who he is."
Are Parallels To Nazi Germany Crazy? / VIEW FROM THE LEFT
Original posting by Braincrave Second Life staff on Jul 31, 2010 at http://www.braincrave.com/viewblog.php?id=278
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