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Today I learned about Pale Moon - an optimized version of Firefox that is much faster than Firefox and optimized specifically for Windows.

Not only is it much faster than Firefox (perhaps even by as much as 25%) but all of your Firefox add-ons, settings, and bookmarks can be easily transferred over.

Effectively, Pale Moon removes rarely used features by most users, such as accessibility features and parental controls. It also optimizes the memory management better than Firefox and takes advantage of the latest computer hardware/processors (i.e., it doesn't assume that you're running on ancient hardware like Firefox does). You can find the technical details, including the differences between Pale Moon and Firefox here. And, of course, all the same mouse shortcuts that you love in Firefox are retained.

Open source software rules!

Why settle for a basic build of your Firefox browser on Windows Operating Systems when you can have one that is specifically made for getting the most out of your system? Mozilla does not provide optimized browser packages for Windows, meaning you may be losing speed and efficiency when you use your browser; and truth be told, most people use their browsers all the time! That needs to change, so, here is the Pale Moon project: Custom-built and optimized Firefox browsers for Windows Operating Systems. Make sure to get the most speed and efficiency out of your browser!

Of course, getting a more efficient browser is not just about optimizing the compilation process (building a program from its source code), but also about carefully choosing features and knowing how to choose the best setup. This means that this browser, however extremely close to Firefox in the way it works, does not have all the functions that Firefox has. A few, carefully selected, features have been disabled that are not in high demand, and that do not interfere with the way web pages are displayed or function; all to maximize speed and efficiency of the browser. Please see the page with technical details to learn exactly what the browser supports, and what it doesn't support. In short, if you need accessibility features or parental controls, then please visit the firefox homepage and get the official, non-optimized build.

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Original posting by Braincrave Second Life staff on Jun 28, 2011 at http://www.braincrave.com/viewblog.php?id=588

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