Home / Teaching sex and terrorism to children
In 1991, John Taylor Gatto, New York City Teacher of the Year (1989, 1990, and 1991), New York State Teacher of the Year (1991), and author of The Underground History of American Education, wrote the following resignation in the Wall Street Journal: "I've taught public school for 26 years but I just can't do it anymore. For years I asked the local school board and superintendent to let me teach a curriculum that doesn't hurt kids, but they had other fish to fry. So I'm going to quit, I think. I've come slowly to understand what it is I really teach: A curriculum of confusion, class position, arbitrary justice, vulgarity, rudeness, disrespect for privacy, indifference to quality, and utter dependency. I teach how to fit into a world I don't want to live in... I can't teach this way any longer. If you hear of a job where I don't have to hurt kids to make a living, let me know."
For ages, parents have pawned the responsibility of their children over to government. As a result, government has long been in charge of what our children do and do not learn in school. Schools are now primarily indoctrination centers for social agendas. Is it appropriate for educators to teach kids about sex, contraception, private body parts, erotic art, or terrorism and, if so, under what conditions? Considering how poorly so many schools are teaching students, might teaching these subjects have the opposite effect?
A proposed sex education program that teaches fifth-graders the different ways people have intercourse and first-graders about gay love has infuriated parents and forced the school board to take a closer look at the issue...
Parents appeared most worried about pieces of the plan that teaches first-graders about same-gender relationships, fifth-graders that sexual intercourse includes "vaginal, oral, or anal penetration," and high school students about erotic art. The curriculum would also teach kindergartners anatomical terms such as penis, vagina, breast, nipples, testicles, scrotum and uterus...
Supporters say the proposed health education curriculum contains honest, science-based information on wellness and allows students to make better decisions... "This is about reality and truth so our kids don't grow up in La-La Land, and have sufficient knowledge to make informed decisions.
Montana school's elementary sex ed plan draws outrage from parents
A high school teacher who assigned her class to plan a terrorist attack that would kill as many innocent Australians as possible had no intent to promote terrorism, education officials said Wednesday.
The Year 10 students at Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School in the state of Western Australia were given the assignment last week in a class on contemporary conflict and terrorism...
"It's something they would probably do in some radical school in Indonesia. For it to be done in the state education system is mind-blowing," he told the newspaper.
The students were asked to pretend they were terrorists making a political statement by releasing a chemical or biological agent on "an unsuspecting Australian community," according to a copy of the assignment received by the West Australian newspaper.
The task included choosing the best time to attack and explaining their choice of victims and what effects the attack would have on a human body.
"Your goal is to kill the MOST innocent civilians in order to get your message across," the assignment read.
Teacher's Assignment to HS Students: Plan a Deadly Terror Attack
Original posting by Braincrave Second Life staff on Aug 26, 2010 at http://www.braincrave.com/viewblog.php?id=305
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