Home / War - a bankrupt ideology
The purported anti-war left used to scream about the wars when Bush ruled. When Obama became ruler, they went silent (for the most part). After all, it's only unjustified violence and murder when the other gang is in power and doing it, right? What makes this article unique is it comes from the very liberal website firedoglake.com. Please let this be a sign that there are liberals who will stop blindly supporting these war criminals, no matter what political party they represent.
FTA: "President Obama managed to show just how nimble and how disingenuous an administration can be in his response to the WikiLeaks fiasco... Now, it may or may not be true that this leak put people in Afghanistan at risk, but I find that to be a very interesting point for this president to be making, considering that the policy and execution of his policy absolutely jeopardizes individuals in Afghanistan and around the world. After all, if you put Julian Assange and President Obama together in a room, only one person in that room is ordering heavily armed people into a hostile war zone filled with civilians. And only one of them is executing a policy that increases the likelihood of a suicide bombing campaign directed at the United States and its citizens and that kills thousands of civilians each year. This is a tried-and-true warmonger move: according to this canard, it's those that oppose the war policy or that take action to show the conflict between societal values and actual policies that endanger everyone, not the brutal, costly policy. I would say I was a bit shocked, but this is the same president that stood up during his Nobel Peace Prize lecture and opined about the necessity of war when he feels it's justified. The President of the United States has tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan, thus putting them in harm's way for a policy that doesn't make us safer and that causes enormous hardship for those caught in the crossfire."
Busting White House Spin on WikiLeaks
Original posting by Braincrave Second Life staff on Aug 2, 2010 at http://www.braincrave.com/viewblog.php?id=280
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